
  • Suggested
User Research

Research and Discovery

  • Conducting qualitative and/or quantitative research methods to gain a deep understanding of the target users, their needs, goals, motivations, and behaviors.
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  • Suggested
UX Audit

Evaluation and assessment

  • A systematic evaluation of a product or system's user experience to identify strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for improvement.
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  • Suggested
Design Workshops

Conceptualization and Ideation

  • Design workshops bring together cross-functional teams to collaboratively generate and refine ideas. They facilitate idea generation, problem-solving, and alignment among team members, resulting in innovative and well-informed design concepts.
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  • Suggested

Design and Implementation

  • Building interactive prototypes that simulate the behavior and functionality of the final product or system. Prototypes allow for user testing, feedback gathering, and iteration before the actual implementation phase.
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Usability Testing

Evaluation and assessment

  • Observing users as they interact with a product or system to identify usability issues and gather feedback on the overall user experience.
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Accessibility Audit

Evaluation and assessment

  • Assessing the accessibility of a product or system to ensure it complies with accessibility guidelines and standards, making it usable by people with disabilities.
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A/B testing

Evaluation and assessment

  • Conducting experiments with different design variations to compare user responses and gather data-driven insights on the effectiveness of design choices.
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User personas

Research and Discovery

  • Creating fictional representations of target users based on research findings to humanize and understand their characteristics, preferences, and goals.
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Contextual Inquiry

Research and Discovery

  • Conducting on-site or remote observations and interviews to understand how users interact with a product or system in their natural environment.
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Market Research

Research and Discovery

  • Gathering information about industry trends, competitors, and target audience demographics to understand the market landscape and identify potential opportunities.
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Research and Discovery

  • Interviewing key stakeholders, such as clients, product managers, or subject matter experts, to understand business goals, requirements, and constraints.
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User Surveys

Research and Discovery

  • Collecting data from a large sample of users through surveys to gather quantitative insights, understand user demographics, preferences, and attitudes.
Card Sorting

Research and Discovery

  • A technique where users categorize and group information or features to help designers understand their mental models and organize information effectively.
User Journey Mapping

Research and Discovery

  • Visualizing and understanding the user's end-to-end experience across different touchpoints and interactions with a product or system.
Focus Groups

Research and Discovery

  • Organizing group discussions with users to gather insights, opinions, and feedback on specific product features or concepts.

Conceptualization and Ideation

  • The goal is to generate a wide range of ideas without judgment or evaluation, fostering innovation and uncovering novel concepts.
Mind Mapping

Conceptualization and Ideation

  • Mind mapping is a visual technique that helps explore and organize ideas around a central concept or problem. Mind mapping stimulates associative thinking and helps generate new ideas by visually connecting related concepts.
Scenario Planning

Conceptualization and Ideation

  • Scenario planning involves envisioning and developing multiple future scenarios or use cases for a product or system. It helps designers anticipate potential challenges, opportunities, and user needs that may arise in different contexts or situations. Scenario planning aids in designing adaptable and future-proof solutions..
Design Sprints

Conceptualization and Ideation

  • Design sprints are time-bound, structured workshops that guide teams through the process of generating ideas, prototyping, and testing concepts within a short timeframe. It involves activities such as problem framing, ideation, sketching, prototyping, and user testing, enabling rapid idea validation and iteration.
SCAMPER Technique

Conceptualization and Ideation

  • SCAMPER is an ideation technique that prompts designers to ask questions and generate new ideas by applying different creative thinking strategies. Each letter in SCAMPER stands for a different strategy: Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to another use, Eliminate, and Reverse. It encourages designers to think critically and creatively about existing ideas and concepts.
Co-creation Sessions

Conceptualization and Ideation

  • Co-creation sessions involve collaborating with users, stakeholders, or experts in the design process to generate ideas and concepts together. It fosters a participatory approach and leverages the diverse perspectives and expertise of the participants to develop innovative and user-centered design concepts.

Design and Implementation

  • Creating low-fidelity representations or blueprints of the user interface to depict the layout, structure, and basic functionality of the product or system. Wireframes help visualize and communicate the overall design concept and serve as a foundation for further development.
Visual Design

Design and Implementation

  • Developing the visual aesthetics of the product or system. This includes creating the overall look and feel, selecting colors, typography, icons, and other visual elements to ensure a visually appealing and cohesive design.
Information Architecture

Design and Implementation

  • Organizing and structuring information within the product or system to ensure easy navigation, findability, and understanding. This includes designing information hierarchies, creating navigation menus, and categorizing content.
Quality Assurance (QA) Testing

Design and Implementation

  • Conducting thorough testing of the product or system to identify and address any functional or usability issues. This involves manual testing, automated testing, and ensuring that the design and implementation meet the specified requirements and standards.
Content Creation

Design and Implementation

  • Creating and curating relevant and engaging content that aligns with the design goals and user needs. This includes writing copy, producing multimedia assets, and ensuring that the content is consistent with the overall design and user experience.
Design Specification

Design and Implementation

  • Creating detailed design specifications that outline the specific features, functionalities, and interactions of the product or system. This includes defining user flows, wireframes, and visual design elements.